Improving Agile

The Agile Manifesto is almost 20 years old.  A look at the hard facts reveal improvements in project success rates, fewer project failures, but no change in late project percentages.

The Standish Group has been publishing software project success rates sampled from across the United States since 1994. If you compare the data from before the Agile Manifesto was drafted in 2001, to the data points after the manifesto was signed, a striking conclusion emerges.

Project success rates have gone up about 9%, project failure rates have gone down about 9%, but project late rates have not even moved a whole percentage point. 

In other words, Agile has improved our project success rates, but has not improved our late delivery scores.

Curiously, a prominent reason stated for adopting Agile, based on the annual VersionOne State of Agile survey, was to improve software quality. The survey is unclear about whether the data point speaks to product quality, or process quality. While you could argue that a 9% higher project success rate does imply product quality was improved, however an unimproved project late statistic indicates process quality has not improved.

The Stable Framework™ was created to address process quality. As teams learn how to execute Stable within their Agile, Ops, DevOps, and Implementation environments, they are given the tools to improve product and service results, reducing the amount of effort required to produce those results.

Framework Overview

The Stable Framework™ Overview

An overview of how the Stable Framework™ components work together creating value within your organization.

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Book: The Stable Framework™

A Book describing the Stable Framework™ is now available.